Things to Do Before Selling Your Old Phone 

Almost every person in the world has a smartphone. It’s already a part of our day-to-day lives. Smartphones can help people do a lot of things, from communication to entertainment. Every year, new models are released. Because of this, you probably have several used phones lying around your home. If you want to get rid of those phones, one way to do it is to sell it. 

However, before you sell your used phones Canada, here are several things you should do first: 

Reset or Wipe Your Phone 

You have to follow the instructions of the manufacturer to reset your smartphone to factory settings if you do nothing else before getting rid of it. All manufacturers enable phone users to do this. All you’ve got to do is visit the website of the manufacturer for detailed instructions. A couple of buyers will not even accept used phones that have not been reset. Meanwhile, some will offer lower payouts for mobile devices that haven’t been wiped.  

Know What Is Involved in Selling and Listing 

Before you sell your phone, you’ve got to ask yourself how much work you are willing to do to make money out of your used device. 

Are you willing to meet buyers in person if you are selling on a classified website such as the Facebook marketplace or Craigslist? Are you willing to go through the hassle of creating a classified listing or auction page for your mobile device? Would you simply prefer to answer several questions from the buyer about the phone and sell it right away? 

Know Your Payout Methods 

You should also consider what you would like to get out of the transaction. Would you like to keep things easy with a credit against future purchases on the account of your cell carrier? Are you fine with waiting several days for a PayPal deposit or mailed check? Do you want to get the money as soon as possible? 

All platforms have their own compensation policies. In general, direct-buyer platforms issue payment within several days after they confirm that your mobile device is as you described it. However, accurate timelines depend. It may lower its payout offer or might refuse to buy it if the buyer disagrees with your assessment of the condition and features of your phone.  

Know What Your Phone is Worth 

To know what each of your mobile devices is worth, you’ve got to do some basic market research. All you’ve got to do is to visit several marketplaces and look for a listed phone with the same color, condition, storage, model, and brand of your old phone. Also, you should consider the cellular carrier too.  

Gather All Used Phones 

It is a lot better if you sell every single one of your used smartphone instead of listing them one by one. You should spend some time and go through your car, storage shed, garage, basement, attic, closets, and any place where you might have stored your used phones. Obviously, poorly-maintained and older devices will not work anymore.  

What to Do with Your Old Mobile Devices 

Do you have old mobile devices that are accumulating dust in your cabinet or drawer? Well, don’t worry. You aren’t alone. Most people probably have several mobile devices in their houses, with hardware upgrade cycles being what they are.  

Instead of leaving them to accumulate more dust or trashing them, there are several other things you can do with your old mobile phones. This includes sell phone Canada, recycle, and much more.  

Sell It 

You can always sell your old phone. This is particularly true if it is an older model that you aren’t using anymore but is not obsolete. There are a lot of platforms online where you can sell your phone.  

Instead of a cut, you will get to keep all of the proceeds of the sale if you choose to sell the phone yourself on Craigslist, Facebook marketplace, or eBay. It is up to you if the hassle is worth the money or not. 

Donate It 

You should think about donating your phone to charity if it still has some life in it but you are not using it anymore. Programs such as Cell Phones for Soldiers and National Coalition Against Domestic Violence will find your working old phone a new and suitable owner. Also, you can check with your local shelters to know if they would like to take your cellphone off your hands.  

There are a lot of websites out there that offer a list of charities that accept mobile devices.  

Activate it Anew 

You can activate it for someone in your family or for yourself if the mobile device is still properly operating. Aside from that, it isn’t a bad idea to keep an inactive and spare mobile device as a backup. You might not know what will happen to your current mobile device. 

Repurpose the Phone 

There are a lot of other things you can get into if it is an older mobile device. You can turn it into a dedicated VoIP device. You can make it a dedicated alarm clock. You can transform it into a dedicated media player for your vehicle. These things are extremely easy and will not require you to do some hacking.  

Aside from that, you can use your old mobile device as a video capturing or audio recording device. This is particularly true if it has a high-quality camera or microphone.  

Recycle It 

You will probably have to get rid of your mobile device if none of the solutions above work for you. This is particularly true if your mobile device is totally obsolete or is broken beyond repair. However, you’ve got to keep in mind that you should not throw it in the trash can. You have to recycle it.  

There are a lot of reliable electronics recyclers out there that can help you get rid of your old smartphone. To make your life a lot easier, you can check the Recycling Page and Electronic Donation of the EPA to know what recycling options are available to you.